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Shamanic Counseling

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Shamanic Counseling is a one-on-one tutorial in shamanic journeying. It is a highly successful spiritual system that uses shamanic journeying for personal problem solving.  You will learn how to access the spiritual realms where the compassionate helping spirits reside and how to communicate with them in your pursuit of acquiring knowledge, spiritual power, support, protection, guidance and healing for various areas of your life.

The goal of shamanic counseling is to empower you to become autonomous in working with your spirit teachers. You get to ask the questions that matter to you. You will also receive guidance from your spirit teachers in how to apply the information to your life. The benefit of one-on-one sessions is that you learn to get answers for the specific life issues and challenges that you are facing.

My role is as facilitator and instructor, because the real counselors are your own helping spirits. I will:


  • Teach you the method to access the spiritual realms in which the helping spirits dwell.

  • Coach you in how to formulate questions in a way that yield good information and insight.

  • Support you through the process.

  • Give you feedback on your application of the method. 

  • Help you identify classic shamanic experiences.

Shamanic Counseling sessions are taught one-on-one by appointment only over the course of a 5-week period through five journeys spaced seven days apart. Each training session lasts about one-and-a-half to two hours. At the end of the five week you will be proficient in using this method for personal problem solving and you will feel confident in working with with your helping spirits any time you choose.

Shamanic counseling sessions are available only on a one-on-one in-person basis in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

If you have any questions that aren't covered on the Shamanic Counseling FAQs below, please email me at

Tuition: $175 per session. Sessions 1 and 3 last approximately 1 1/2 hours. Sessions 2, 4 and 5 last approximately 2-Hours.

Booster sessions are available for clients who have already completed the Harner Shamanic Counseling process but who might have lapsed in their journeying practice or journeying technique and wish to have a refresher session. 

Shamanic Counseling FAQs

Is Shamanic Counseling a form of psychotherapy?


No, it isn't. Shamanic Counseling is a spiritual method to help clients access the wisdom and information of their compassionate helping spirits. It is not a psychological system and it is completely unrelated to psychotherapy.


Do I need prior training in shamanism before I can learn the shamanic counseling method?


No. The Shamanic Counseling method is a complete system that has no prerequesites.


Does Shamanic Counseling involve ingesting psychotropic drugs?


No, shamanic counseling does not involve taking drugs. Clients learn to change their awareness from ordinary everyday awareness into the shamanic state of consciousness solely by listening to shamanic drumming. In fact, clients are strongly discouraged from using any recreational drugs during the entire five-week stretch of our work together.

Will I be authorized to use this process on others after I have completed the five sessions?


No. The Harner Shamanic CounselingTM method is copyrighted and trademarked. Those who wish to use the method with their own clients must receive the appropriate training through the Journeywork Institute of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies.


Can I bring my friend or my partner to the Shamanic Counseling sessions?


No. It is best if you come to each session alone. Having a third person present in the session is likely to be an inhibiting factor for you.

Will I be able to work with my helping spirits once I have completed the five sessions?


Yes, you will have the knowledge, proficiency and confidence to use the method on your own once the five sessions are finished.


Will I have to come back for regular "tune-ups" once the five weeks are complete?

No. After you have completed the five sessions you will be able to journey to your helping spirits and receive information from them without further help from me. 


 Why doesn't the shamanic counselor interpret the client's journeys? 

Shamanic Counseling restores the client's autonomy for his or her own life. If I were to interpret a client's journey, I would impose my own system of meanings on the client's experience. The counselor's system of meanings could be completely different from the client and therefore inappropriate to the client's experience. For example, to the counselor a snake in a shamanic journey might mean a welcome period of transition and change. To the client who encounters a snake in her journey, this might mean, "Get yourself out of this situation right now! Run as fast as you can and don't look back." The client's interpretation of her or his journey is always the appropriate interpretation that the client needs to heed. 


Can I pick and choose the order of the journeys that I want to take?


No. The five sessions of the Harner Shamanic CounselingTM method follow a preset format that has been researched and optimized for successful contact with the compassionate helping spirits. However, after you have completed the five sessions you get to choose the journeys you want to take.

What is the difference between Shamanic Counseling and a Psychic Medium Reading?


Shamanic Counseling is a five week course that teaches clients how to receive wise and valid information about life concerns directly from their helping spirits. During a psychic medium reading, on the other hand, I would communicate with the client's spirit helpers and spirit loved ones and I would convey information from the spirits to the client. In other words, in a reading, I serve as the intermediary between the client and the spirits.

In Shamanic Counseling clients learn how to initiate contact with their helping spirits, so they won't need an intermediary when they want to consult the spirits for information about life issues.  


 What is the difference between Shamanic Counseling and Soul Retrieval? 


Soul retrieval is a shamanic healing method in which a highly trained shamanic practitioner tracks and retrieves a client's lost soul parts and vital life force energy in non-ordinary reality and then reunites them with the client in ordinary reality. Shamanic counseling, on the other hand, is a method of shamanic divination in which the client learns how to get answers to life questions from their own helping spirits. 

Available Services

Psychic Medium Readings

Soul Retrieval

Shamanic Healing

Spirit Release

Shamanic Divination

Soul Retrieval for Animals and Pets

Communicate with Dying Pets

Lightarian Rays

Lightarian AngelLinks

Development Circle in Silver Spring

Mediumship Teleconferencing Circle



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